Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17, 2014

Dear Family,
How are you all this week? I hope doing very well!
This week has been a good one for Sister Kreiberg and I. We have seen
many miracles and I felt that I have learned many things. We have been
able to have a few good lessons with one of our investigators Nathan.
He still is in the same pattern that he has always been, we go over
and he tells us he doesn't think he's ready to change his life and to
live the Gospel. But as we teach the spirit Is always very strong and
by the end of the lesson you can tell he thinks about the things we
teach the spirit has touched his heart. Yesterday we had a lesson with
him and we thought he was going to drop us, but we helped him to
realize that the gospel is so important to each one of us. That it is
the only way we can return to live with our Heavenly Father, And that
as he reads from the book of Mormon and prays he will know his answer,
and that he will know the truthfulness of the restored gospel that we
have been teaching him. Nathan has been struggling to keep his
commitments to read from the Scriptures and pray. We taught him the
importance of how to feel the spirit and receive an answer by keeping
commitments. I think he understands now that the Book of Mormon is the
literal evidence of everything that we teach, of the truthfulness of
the Gospel and the plan that our Heavenly Father has for each one of
us. We recommitted him to read from the scriptures and pray this week,
even while he is on his vacation. We will see how that goes for him.
This week we have also been able to contact Lynda again. She was out
of town for about a week and a half and we weren't able to get a hold
of her.  Tonight we will go over and teacher the Plan of Salvation.
She is very ready to receive the gospel. It is just a matter of
helping her understand that coming closer to Heavenly Father and
living the Gospel is how she is going to receive the lasting peace and
happiness that she seeks. And that she can be with her husband
eternally. We also had a miracle this week with the Duschl family that
we are teaching. They have been very busy with their different
schedules this week. And we have only been able to talk to them on the
phone once. We invited them to come to church unsure if they would be
able to attend seeing as they had family coming into town. But
yesterday Debi Duschl and her son Alex came to sacrament meeting. It
was very good, it talked a lot about families and Debi and her son
really enjoyed it. It is amazing how the Lord has blessed us with
these miracles. We've been praying very specifically and very hard
that he will bless the lives of our investigators so that they will be
able to progress in the Gospel. It has also helped me to realize that as
a missionary I really don't do that much, I simply do as I'm told to
teach the people in the area that I serve and to pray for them day and
night. But really the miracles in the progress of each individual that
we teach comes because of the Lord. Sometimes it is so frustrating to
be able to see that as a missionary you only really do so little. All
you were asked is to be obedient and to use the atonement to carry you
through this work. And if you can't do that then the work does not go
forward.  Missionaries do so little when it comes to the progress of
others, but yet their obedience plays a huge role in the progress of
the people that are being taught. Every day I try to become better, I
can see exactly what it is that I need to do in order to use the
atonement more in my life. Sometimes it becomes overwhelming because I also realize that getting better doesn't ever end. There's always
something that we can do better. I think that is my favorite thing
about the gospel. Is that we can always progress no matter what, the
atonement has made it possible for us to be better than we were
before. I am so glad for the people that I've been able to teach him
to help I have been on my mission this short time. I have been able to
see peoples loves change because of the gospel and it is the most
rewarding feeling that I have ever felt, something that I don't think
I will ever be able to explain. But I can see that my mission has
helped me more than any other person that I've been able to meet.
Sometimes it doesn't seem fair because you we are here to serve
others. But the wonderful thing about forgetting about yourself to
serve others and help them be converted to the Gospel, is that you
become more converted to the Gospel than ever before. I can see the
Lord bless their lives, and I can see how he has blessed my life being
here. Every experience I've had is something that I have realized that
I needed, and I am so grateful! I can see though that I am not done
yet, I have not become as converted as I know that I can be, and for
that I am so grateful that I still have eight months to work at it. I
love you all and I hope that you are doing all you can to come closer
to the Lord each and every day. I know that it can bless your life
more than you could ever hope for. The gospel is the most wonderful
gift that we have ever been given. It is the perfect tool for us to
return to live with our Father in Heaven. We are so lucky. I will talk
to you all soon.

Sister Jamison

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