Hey Family!
How are you this week! I hope well! Wasn't Conference great!!! I
loved it so much! I wish that they could have conference 4 times a year instead
of just twice! WOW! I loved that there were so many talks on the leaders of the
church namely the prophet and how he is the mouthpiece of the Lord here on the
earth. It really was making me think about the simple yet profound
counsel that the prophet gives to us and how truly blessed we are as we heed
it. In the Book of Mormon the phrase "and inasmuch as ye keep my
commandments ye shall prosper in the land" is repeated more than 22 times
by the prophets, some food for thought there I think? The Lord makes promises
to us through His servants and as we follow we truly will prosper in the land.
Just as talked about in conference, Heavenly Father really knows us by name and
what we need and He is ready to bless us when we call upon Him. The prophet
teaches us the correct way that we can follow Jesus Christ and how we can
receive blessings at the hands of the Savior. I know that the Lord knows us and
that there is nothing that we can't do with His help. I see and hear things all
the time about people in the church falling away or losing the testimony that
they had so strongly at one point. My whole mission I have pondered how on
earth especially return missionaries can fall into such a pit hole such as
this. Well as I have been thinking about and studying this question I remember
the word's of Elder Walker an area 70 that came to visit our mission last year,
he quoted the scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants 88:85 which says "
Neither take ye thought beforehand what ye shall say; but treasure up in your
minds continually the words of life, and it shall be given you in the very hour
that portion that shall be meted unto every man." He also quotes Doctrine
and Covenants 43:9-10 which says " And thus ye shall become instructed in
the law of my church, and be sanctified by that which ye have received, and ye
shall bind yourselves to act in all holiness before me- That inasmuch as ye do
this, glory shall be added to the kingdom which ye have received. Inasmuch as
ye do it not, it shall be taken, even that which ye have received." He
spoke to us about how the Spirit isn't magically going to give you words or a
testimony that you don't have. Unless you study the Spirit has nothing to work
with. It kind of makes me think of the visual that we are all like a watering
well, if there is no water at the bottom you cant get anything from it and your
labor is in vain. However if you draw from a well that has water then you will
receive that which you are seeking to get. From a non-missionary/teaching stand
point, we are all the same. We are taught to live, eat, breath the gospel. To
study the scriptures and pray daily in our families, and to have weekly family
home evening. These are essential to us retaining that which we have received
by the spirit, and when we don't take care to nourish that which we have, it
will be taken from us, even all that we have. I know may people who become lax
in their study of the gospel and their own personal continued revelation from
God. There was a bishop I saw with a note on his door that read, "
Have daily scripture study, family prayer and weekly family home evening, and
then come and talk to me." Duuuhhhhh so many influences in the world seem
to throw people of track so quickly that the first response is to run to the
bishop to fix the problem. The Lord has already given us solutions to our
problems, and it all starts in the home. I am so eternally grateful for my
opportunity to serve a mission, it has opened my eyes in ways that could have
never happened outside the consecrated service of the Lord. No person or
possession could ever mean more to me than the relationship I continue to form
with Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Man I could go on and on, I am
excited to come home and live the rest of my life as a faithful member of the
Restored Church of Jesus Christ here on the earth. Nothing in my life has
brought me more happiness than that I have received from my Father in Heaven.
It really is black and white, you either follow Jesus Christ or you do not.
There is no sort of following Him one day and then not. Make the decision and
then do it. John 15:10-20, I'll leave that for you to look up. If we love Him
we will keep His commandments, there is no greater expression of love than
obedience. Love you, see ya soon
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