Hey Family,
How are you all this week? I hope well, it sounds like everything is going well
for everyone! Well I am going to be staying here in Lecanto with Sister
Petersen for another transfer. I am not going to lie I was hoping that they
would move me somewhere else, but I guess the Lord had other plans for me I
just have to figure out what those are. I think it will be ok though. We have
made good plans and goals for this transfer and if we work hard we will see the
blessings come and time will zip on by. I mean I only have 12 weeks left and
that is like nothing! I am a little freaked out that it is ending so soon. I
get anxious thinking about coming home ha-ha I don't know what to do with my
life. But I guess I will figure that out too.
Well let’s see this week was pretty good. Our relief society had an activity at
the church where they were doing canning and sewing little bags. Sister
Petersen and I went because there were a few members that brought their
non-member friends and so it was a good opportunity to meet them. Sister Waller
in the ward also taught me how to make a little handbag type of thing. It came
out pretty cute. Sister Petersen made some like pouch thing, I'm not actually
sure what it is but it was cool. This week we are going to have dinner with
Sister Whitman in the ward and she is going to invite her friend, the same one
that she brought to the activity. I am glad that she is starting to be brave
and invite her friends to the activities at the church. We have been working
with her lately to help her do missionary work.
We also have been contacting a lot of less actives this week. We are having good
luck I would say haha. There was this one less active that we have been trying
to get a hold of forever and we went to her house the other night and she
always has the gate closed. So I just hopped over the gate to go peek in the
window to see if anyone was there because it is always so dark, and as I was
walking up the ramp I could hear her talking inside. So I hurried to hope back
over the gate hahaha then we just stood there and yelled for her hoping that
she would hear us but we got no response. We just have to try again later. We
did however meet this family who said that they would like to meet with us, the
mother is a less active and the rest of them are non-members. So hopefully that
goes well. They ladies father is active in our ward and he said that they
can be pretty flaky, so I am crossing my fingers. We also got a media referral
this week for a guy named Bryan which was pretty sweet, we stopped by and was
able to do an over view of the restoration with him and give him a Book of
Mormon. Hopefully we will be able to meet with him this week, but his wife wasn't
exactly down for that so who knows what will happen!
Richard is still doing well; he was sick last week so he didn't come to church,
but he was here yesterday and feeling better. Nathan is also doing well. He
wrote me recently and told me that he was able to go out with his home teaching
companion and give the sacrament to the elderly members in the ward. He is so
excited to be serving in the church. I am really happy for him.
My leg is doing ok; I have a hematoma and a blood clot or whatever in my leg.
The mission doctor has me wrap it up so that it is tight to see if that will
help the bump go away. If it doesn't in 2 more weeks then he says I will need
to go and have someone poke at it and drain it, which I really don't want to
do. But he said it shouldn't get to that point, but we will see.
There isn't really anything else interesting happening right now haha,
hopefully I will have a good story for you all next week. Love you and see you
Sister Jamison
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