Jurassic Park Florida, October 21, 2013
Hola Mi Familia y Amigos,
How are you doing! I hope really really well! So this week was
really good a lot of miracles!
Sooo to start off we had a really good lesson this week with
Jeff and Anthony. We talked about the
importance of church attendance and why we take the sacrament, and Jeff
expressed to us as we were teaching that at first he was just letting us come
over because of Anthony wanting to learn, but that he was closed off to the
idea of religion, but now that we have been coming over and teaching he says
that the gears in his head are turning a little bit and he enjoys learning from
us. He is so great, we always have him do the additional study in the
back of the pamphlets and he always does them! So cool, we committed him to
start reading the Book of Mormon from the beginning and he said that he would
get right on that with Anthony, so great! Then we also had the chance to go and
visit a less active woman in our ward, Sister Grove, who lives in an assisted
living home. Well it was so great, we went over there and we got to meet Sister
Grove and learn that she is completely blind and has been since birth, so
crazy. She has a big shelf in her room and she has the Holy Bible in
braille, and it takes 18.5 - inch thick books to make the Holy Bible in
braille, it was seriously impressive, she also has Preach My Gospel, True to
the Faith and the Missionary Library. It was so cool, she let us look at her
books and touch them, man I don't know how people read or I guess feel the
braille and understand, that truly is a gift, all those little bumps are so
confusing! All I can say is it made me truly grateful for my eyesight, and for
all the other things I take for granted like my hearing and the fact I can walk
and move and do normal things! Such a blessing! Sister Grove is so awesome and
we were able to find out that she can't afford the bus that takes her places,
and that she would love to be at church, she just needs a ride. So we were able
to hook that up for her and she was so beyond happy, which made us very, very
happy too. We were also able to share with her
Mosiah 2:41 and talk about how when we keep the
commandants we are blessed spiritually and temporally, it really brightened up
her day and helped her to realize that even though money can be tight her
sacrifice to get to church if she has to pay her way will bless her very much.
It was a wonderful little lesson!
We also got a Member Referral this week which was so awesome,
her name is Enid. Sergio is the member
who lives by her who has been talking to her about the church for a while.
But anyways Sergio invited her to a temple tour, but we had an appt. with Jeff
and Anthony so we couldn’t go so the ZL's went, which was so awesome of
them. They were able to talk to her
about the temple and why we have temples. Luckily though before she went
we had time to stop by and introduce ourselves and talk about the restoration with
her a little bit and the gospel and set up a return appt. with her this week.
We are really excited to teach her, she seems so solid, when we were planning
another visit she totally worked with us to have a lesson even though she is
way busy. Most people just tell us uh sorry I am to busy, but she really
wants us to come back! Wohhoo!
Let's see, Hmmmm ok, So I also had the opportunity to speak in
church on Sunday in my new ward which was really fun. It was so different
though, I had to speak slower than I normally would and really speak up because
half the ward is Spanish and they all wear headsets during church while
someone translates all the English for them, so that was a little different,
but way awesome, I really love my new ward, all the people are so humble and
nice! All the Spanish ladies call me momma hahahaha weird.
Anyways I had a really awesome week! Sister Baker and I were
visiting or trying to visit some people in some weird areas this week and it
felt like we were in Jurassic Park no joke, I live in a jungle and when the
cranes that are as big as me walk around and the gators are just chillin in the
grass napping you feel like you are in a different world ahhh so weird haha and
isn't it supposed to be fall or something? Ya no it's still 80 degrees here and
all the tress and grass are very very green and over grown. I am pretty sure
this week I discovered that there are more things living in the grass here than
there is actual grass, ewwwww!!!!!
Well I have to get goin!! Love you!!!
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