Monday, June 24, 2013

Gene's Baptism-Lake Reams June 17, 2013

Hey Family!
How are you this week? I hope great! So this week has been great! Gene’s baptism was on Saturday and can I just tell you that it was so awesome. Over 50 people from the ward came to support him and everything just went very smoothly and wonderfully, it was so cool. I was a bit nervous because when Gene got to the church he was in a terrible mood and he was not happy.  He was confused about where his wife is right now, because in the Bible it says when you die you go to Heaven or Hell and he was like you me that she is in some other place. Does that mean that she is just floating around? I don't believe my wife is just floating around, she was a good Christian woman her whole life I know she is in Heaven.  Well even though we already had the Plan of Salvation lesson with him, he seemed to be confused on that part of it, which is crazy because when we had that lesson we explained and taught very clearly and he understood it so well, it wasn't until the week of his baptism that all of these questions and misunderstanding came up, Satan really was working so hard on Gene to upset him. So Sister Low and I and the Elders in our ward, Elder Duffy and Elder Jensen, re-explain and taught the Plan of Salvation all together and then said a prayer that Gene would feel comfort in knowing that his wife is in a good place where she is happy. After the prayer he did feel better and was ready for his baptism. The meeting went so well, a sister in our ward Sister Hicks spoke on baptism and did a wonderful job and then a brother, Brother Hanson (the one related to Travis Del Toro) spoke on the Holy Ghost, they both did a very good job, the spirit was very strong when they spoke. Then a woman from the ward Sister Mullen sang Amazing Grace, it's Genes favorite song, and man can I tell you that first of all that is a beautiful song, and secondly it brought the spirit into the room so much. Gene was just in tears and so were half the other people in the room. It was incredible, after that of course was the actual baptism, it was so cute when Gene came up out of the water he looked at his grandson, the one who baptized him, David, he said, it's done brother! with a big smile on his face. It was such a good baptism. Ha crazy though Sister Low and I got to the church at 6:30am to fill the font because it has problems holding the water without draining, and so all morning we were watching it and it was filling up with freezing cold water, well as "smart" as we are haha we decided to go to the kitchen and start heating water up in the microwave and oven, to know little surprise that made about a negative 2 percent difference, so the 4 of us (because the Elders came to help us) all said a prayer together that the water would be warm and that we did all we could to make it warm and it just wasn't working, well to no surprise right after that we went and messed with the valves and guess what, hot water started coming out and with the last 30 minutes we had to fill it before people showed up, it completely warmed up; seriously a blessing. It was cool too, we invited our new gator Ms. Shirley, to the baptism and she loved it and thought it was so cool and said she could feel the spirit very strong. We set a date with her last week to be baptized on July the 20th and she told us, I'm ready for the waters girls. And it's so cute she is about 75 years old and she is a little black woman, and at the baptism and church yesterday she was going around introducing herself to everyone and making friends all on her own and telling literally everyone, my baptism is next month on the 20th and that's on my birthday, it's going to be the best birthday ever! Haha so so cute! Well I hope you all had a happy fathers day! This video is one of my favorites; the Mormon Messages are so awesome you guys should watch them. Well I love you all and I will talk to you next week!

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