Hey family,
How are you? I hope really good. Well so as half of
you already know I got transferred to Clermont, FL, and it is great here! It is
really close to Orlando City and it is beautiful! It is way "hilly"
too. Ha-ha I didn't think that such a place existed in FL, but apparently it
does! Well since it is the end of the month too we have next to no miles so we
have been biking every single day all day long and it's killing me... hahaha
really though, I have't biked since I have been in Viera because you don't bike
in Lecanto and so I am really sore. But we will be better at managing our miles
this next month so that we don’t have to bike as much. But my new companion is
Sister Lokotui (low-kah-too-e) and she is WONDERFUL! I love her to death, we
get along so great, it is seriously like being with Lindsay again. So I am
really glad that I have a stellar companion! Sister Lokoti has been out on the
mission for almost 5 months, so she's pretty new but she is so good, she really
just had it all together if you get what I mean. She is great at teaching and
contacting people and just working hard, so it is really nice to be with her
and really work equally together. And she is so cute, she is from Australia and
she has the cutest accent! I love listening to her talk haha the ward is also
really awesome, there are some really interesting characters in the ward but I
love them! The first night I got here we went and visited the Gradeless family
and they are soo awesome. They are a young couple with a little girl -Easton-
who is 4 I think and then a little boy -Rivers- who is 1 and a half. They
are such a cute little family. It was so funny because Brother Gradeless
seriously is a copy of Gus Garcia haha they don't really look alike but they
have the same personality and it was so funny to listen to him talk, it really
was like talking to Gus, and then so weird Sister Gradeless looks soo much like
Devin Brown it's freaky haha when we walked into church I saw her and had to do a double take because I thought it was Devin haha oh funny. But this area
is going to be really fun. It has been worked over like crazy and the people
here are a little hard, but it's ok. Sister Lokotui had our first official
lesson with an investigator named Kim and her 3 kids on Tuesday and it went really
well. The spirit was so strong and Kim was crying through the whole lesson. She
and her 3 kids really are so prepared for the gospel. We invited all 4 of them
to be baptized and they accepted which was great. But the only bad thing is Kim
is separating with her husband right now and they are filing for divorce and
it's been so hard on Kim and her 3 kids. 2 boys and the youngest a girl, weird
right? But basically the husband is kind of a scrub and just ditched them, but
Kim was talking to him the other day on the phone and I guess telling him how
she was going to get into church with the kids and that they wanted to be
baptized. Well he said no and that he didn't want them to do that, so Kim
called us and told us that they couldn't come to our church or be baptized
because her soon to be ex doesn't want them to and she feels that she is going against him. Well we told her that we respected her and her decision, but asked if we could still come over to teach her. We feel that if we are still able to teach her and help her to be baptized that eventually one day her kids will want to be too. It is so sad, because you can see that Kim is shying away from the gospel because she is trying to save her marriage and please her husband, but he really just wants nothing to do with them anymore. Hopefully as we teach her she will realize how much this gospel can bless her life and she will take the steps to progress to be an example to her children. I feel bad for the kids though because they really want to be baptized. But I know they can make it there someday with Kim leading the way. So we will see them tonight and we will be talking about the Atonement and the Savior and how He can help us to over come anything that comes our way. And that as we put him first that we truly will be blessed in all other aspects of life. I really hope that it goes well! We also have dinner with the Edwards family tonight and they hopefully will be able to get their non-member friend there so that we can have FHE. Man I cannot believe that I will be home in 5 weeks! It really blows my mind. That is sooo soon. I just can't imagine what it is going to feel like not being a missionary anymore. I feel like this is my whole life, I don't know anything else. I am kind of nervous to go back into the "normal" way of life, definitely going to be a transition for me! But thank you all for all the continued love and support that you give me! I will see you all very soon!
Sister Jamison
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It was raining very hard outside and the improvised hat protects the hair. Sister Lokotui is not as worried about her hair. |
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With Sister Low, her original trainer. |