Hey well it sounds like everyone has had a pretty good week!
That's good.
This week was pretty good for Sister Murphy and I. We had
baptism of course. And that went very well. She was so happy and
light during the whole meeting, and a lot of people from the
showed up, which was very nice too. Sister Murphy and I made a
book for Sarah that had a bunch of notes in it that people wrote
her during the baptism. She loved that so much! It was so cute
little five-year-old daughter as she was watching the baptism
when her
mom came up out of the water she said it's my turn I want to go
It will be fun in three years when Brianna gets to be baptized
This week we were also able to meet with our investigator
Sylvia. Her
dad is in an active member who is just starting to come to
again, but Sylvia was never baptized. She attends a Lutheran
and has many questions that have gone unanswered. She likes
with us because she feels that we can answer the questions that
has. This last week her dad and her went to the Fort Lauderdale
open house, she thought it was beautiful inside, unfortunately
were a lot of people standing outside the temple that gave her
anti-Mormon literature. But she brought it with her to meet with
us to
ask questions about it. She said that it all is very mean and
that she
didn't believe any of it. We were able to talk to her about the
importance of temples and why we have temples. Sylvia is very
interested in this because her mother has passed away. She also
us about the 10 Commandments and what our definitions were for
We explained to her that we do not have definitions for the 10
Commandments nor do we add to them, but we just go off of what
Scriptures say and how the prophets explained how we should live
and what they need. Sylvia liked that because in her Lutheran
school they had added a bunch to the 10 Commandments and she
believe that that is how it should be. She is very smart and she
studies the Bible a lot so there is not much that will ever get
her when it comes to discussing the Gospel. Everything we teach
her we
are able to back up with scriptures from both the book of Mormon
the Bible and she really likes that we are able to do that. She
and believes that the gospel is here and written in the plain
text of
the Bible but that people don't understand how to read the
Bible, and
she is right. The hard thing is that Sylvia is 13 years
old and so
it's hard to meet with her as often as we would like. But we are
making progress with her.
We also have met a couple named Keri and Frank this week. We
were able to teach them the message of the restoration. It went pretty well and
we are hoping to meet with them again very soon. They are both
and are very busy so this could be a challenge too.
This next week Sister Murphy and I will be tracting a lot. We
had much time to do any finding because we've been teaching so
It's been nice to be so busy teaching, but we do have to find
more so
that we don't run out of people to teach. Haha
This Saturday we have a service opportunity as well. We will be
helping to build a habitat for humanity home. It should be
fun. We
will be building all morning on Saturday, our whole district is
too so it will be nice. I
will be sure to take some pictures for you
all. So I'm pretty sure I
am the least lucky person ever when it comes to
cars. This morning we took our car to the Chevrolet dealer
because our
car is on recall. A lot of the Chevy cruises, which is what we
are having broken and fractured axles. Not such a good thing for
seeing as we are off roading in the dirt half the time trying to
people out here. We got a rental car today and it's pretty nice.
a Chevy Malibu though, so hopefully it doesn't have any problems
it as we’re driving. Today Sister Murphy and I are going to stop
Payless to look for shoes. She needs some new ones because hers
falling apart, and my black ones are falling apart as well, so I
look for some I don't know if I’ll get any now though.
So mom you asked about the skirts that you see in my pictures, well
recently we had a sister's conference; I think I talked about it
another email. But they had a bunch of donated clothes there and
were able to pick out some skirts and things to have. It was
nice. Sister Murphy and I also went to the thrift store last
and I found three skirts for three dollars. There actually all
cute considering, and I only got them for a dollar, each which
is nice.
There isn't much else going on here this week, we have a busy
ahead of us though. We have a few potential investigators that
we will
be meeting with, hopefully we can start to teach them on a
basis. I hope you all
have a good week as well, love you and talk to you soon!
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